We grind and mix the feed to-the-gram – and thus improve your profit. So that the result is correct! NEUERO offers a wide range of technology for the complex subject of milling and mixing system. On the one hand, they help to significantly reduce the workload for feed production with the help of load-controlled mills, automatically working feed mixers, electronically controlled conveyor technology and silos specially designed for Feeds, on the other hand to achieve an optimal result for feeding due to dosing accuracy and quality control.
Well-trained staff will help you with full planning and implementation. All necessary components are optimally matched to each other according to customer needs – from a grain grinding and/or mill, a mixing system and conveying equipment, for ventilation and loading bins to a milling and mixing computer developed in-house with extensive and convenient functions. High workmanship and optimized energy consumption combined with low wear and maintenance requirements apply to all components. Of course, there is a wide range of accessories for all feed technology, so they can be flexibly used, upgraded and expanded in every way.
It’s all about the structure!
Properly structured feed is already half-fed! Only the correct feed structure allows you to achieve optimal results in the farms and guarantees the best feed and thus, the nutrients absorption. No matter whether you need easily digestible crushed food and/or grains with the optimum degree of milling for the compound feed production – our systems make it suitable! With NEUERO products, the required structure can be adapted to the needs of your livestock.
- All types of grain can be grinded using the quiet, low-noise and vibratory NEUERO Grain Crusher. Due to two types of rollers – a deep milling drive roller and a running roller, a very good compression quality is achieved with low power requirements. If demand is higher or increasing, you can use the Duo type or modify it. Here, the preliminary extraction unit and the delicate extraction unit are combined into a modular system to form a four-roll machine. This version is especially suitable for trouble-free use in the case of coarse milling of corn, peas and beans (also mixed with grain).
- NEUERO RVO Hammermill (with prototype protection № 202 006 011 828,4) is characterized by high performance with low energy consumption. The mill guarantees thorough milling with uniform distribution and a large separation area. Suitable for grain moisture up to 20%. Wire or perforated sieves can be used and combined: a centrally located inlet in combination with 3 different sieve elements provides an optimal feed structure for each requirement of each feed type. The hammer mill can be controlled manually or automatically using the CIBUS control system.
- NEUERO RVS/RSI type Radial Grist Mill with blower, with tried and tested radial grist mill system, and fully automatic inlet control are characterized by high suction power and maximum crushing performance with minimal energy consumption. Thanks to the optimized blower, large transport distances are possible up to 100 m. The Radial grist mill can be controlled manually and fully automatic process control is also possible.
It’s all about the mixture!
When feeding, the components should be offered in the correct amount and the correct ratio of energy, fiber and nutrients to each other, depending on the type of animal or stage of growth. The more homogeneous this mixture, the more efficient the use of animal feed. This increases the health and vitality, as well as the productivity and resilience of the livestock. And with this way you can also offer very high quality of basic products for further processing.
NEUERO has developed the following products for production of optimal homogeneous mixtures:
- NEUERO Vertical Mixing System type FAM for animal feed production, in particular from grinded grain and other powdered components. They mix reliably and uniformly for a very short time (depending on composition of materials being mixed) are therefore ideal for fattening farms.
- NEUERO Diagonal Feed Mixing System NDM type for demanding sow- and fattening farms who want to produce high-quality products and use CCM (Corn-Cob-Mix) in their diets; which, thanks to its lower overall height than the FAM mixer, also allows its use in low barns.
- NEUERO Horizontal Mixing system type NHM, in which two augers with counter-rotation on the shaft provide short, very intense and very accurate mixing. The feed structure is also optimally maintained due to low speeds. This is especially interesting for specialists in commercial sector or for special mixtures.
The NEUERO Mineral Hopper is ideally suited for dosing additional components such as mineral feed and other finely structured feed additives. Oil enrichment can be done with NEUERO Oil Pump. And the ventilation of the milling and mixing systems, which should be done to avoid condensation, is also provided with a NEUERO JET filter type NJF.
Automatic time limiting controls!
Start the milling and mixing system. Dosing, replacing components or changing recipes. Check if the system is working properly. Make sure that all raw materials and components, as well as finished feed, are transported to the right places. You can spend a lot of time on it, but not necessarily! Instead, you can spend just a few minutes on everything. For this purpose, NEUERO has developed Automatic Time Limiting Controls with extensive and convenient functions that save a lot of time, labor force and transform your products into precise feed mixtures.
- The NEUERO Easy Mill Control unit is a flexible device for milling up to 4 grain components and filling up to 4 silos for storage.
- It is always well ground, with an optimal structure, hygienically prepared feed and with exact dosage according to various products: the NEUERO CIBUS control computer knows (and does not make) the mistakes! It can also be used to control the entire grain system – from transporting grain to storage and ventilation, as well as milling and mixing to transporting flour or feed.
Food is always in stock
Fresh, hygienic, not segregated – these are the cornerstones for high-quality feed storage. For this, there are first-class feed silos in the NEUERO Portfolio´s.
- The flexible NEUERO Kosa-type Animal Feed Silos consists of high-strength flexible fabric KOSA in a steel frame. This is the best way to store your high-quality feed. Hassle-free connection with appropriate dosing, conveying equipment and safe feed flow ensure trouble-free daily use.
- NEUERO Animal Feed Silo type NLM on galvanized supports is suitable to be installed both indoors and outdoors. It consists of galvanized silos plates with flat profiles without welds. Feed is easily removed thanks to a 60° angle in hopper silo.
- NEUERO Animal Feed Silo SIA is made of fiberglass (GRP), has a hot-dip galvanized tray and a mirror-smooth hopper. This ensures that the feed does not get stuck during unloading.
Of course, NEUERO also offers conveying equipment, ideally suited for transporting feed components, flour and animal feed. These include the NEUERO screw conveyor for flour and mixed feed, as well as the S series dosing screw and the flexible NEUERO spiral conveyor.