Storage & Conveyer

Without professional storage system, it would be simply impossible to provide population with health food today. Due to growing o demand the storages and technologies maintaining the value of the stored goods ... read more

Drying System

If you want to secure maintaining value of stored grain, you have to integrate a dryer system into your silos. Drying is necessary not only to avoid quantitative losses due to grain respiration, but also because of available mold, fungi and pests... read ... read more

Cleaning System

If you want to keep grain longer, do not miss the pre-cleaning. From 1 to 3% of weight of the harvest consists of waste, which can lead to destruction of the stored goods by adhering Fusaria and loss of germination and vitality ... read more

Animal Feed Equipment

Availability of feed, automated quality control, independence from suppliers and wages for multifunctional laborers, as well as significant labor facilitation and individually designed rations -the purchase of own milling and mixing system is calculated m ... read more

Wood Pellet Plant

EN: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever ... read more